Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And So It Begins...

1-25-11--Where do I start? How do I begin? There are so many things bubbling inside my head. I guess I should start by saying thank you for taking the time to read my blog and welcome! It is going to be a great year, I can feel it!
The beginning seems like a nice place to begin. Some people are born knowing what they want to be when they grow up. It is engrained in every fiber of their being. Whether it is a doctor, dentist, or teacher they just know. That was simply not me. I have wanted to be everything under the sun except for an accountant (way too boring, sorry mom) or an exterminator (way too gross).  My career ambitions have been motivated by all sorts of things; the professions I “should” want, the ones that seemed “glamorous”, only to be disappointed that even the glamorous ones are not all they are cracked up to be, and the ones that of course provide “stability”.
Through my endless career endeavors I have always had the burning desire from somewhere deep inside me to make a “real” difference in the lives of people.  Ok, ok I know this is right where I lose most of you. I get it, “you have heard this tired old cliché from every twenty something in the world”. But just hear me out. I may not know what will be printed on my business card in ten years but I do know I won’t be satisfied if I am not doing something to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Some kids grew up idolizing Michael Jordan or Madonna. I dreamt of Gandhi, Mandela, and ok Madonna.
In recent years  I have applied so much pressure to be as successful that the obsession to “make a difference” has become immobilizing. However, I have realized that much like racing to the top of the corporate ladder, it is not about the actual top but the people and experiences you have along the way that are important.I have decided, in my humble opinion, that the key to changing the world is not developing some huge master plan but by positively affecting the lives we touch every day.
This is where my Not_onemore blog comes in. I have met so many people who have been affected by cancer. I cannot stand here and just listen to the stories any longer. This is my chance to help, to do something for others. I have decided to take cancer head on this year. My intention is to inspire you to care. To encourage you to jump off the sideline and spring into action. Defeating cancer is a massive task; which is why I hope by the end of the year there is an army standing behind me. Let’s create a movement together.
As a part of my endeavor, I wish to raise funds for vital research and patient aid for cancer patients but I will not bombard you with donation requests. Help if you can.
I will be blogging about my journey this year; my personal triumphs, epic failures, the funny things, the not-so-funny things, the amazing people I meet along the way, and the change that we are creating.
I will keep fighting until there is not_onemore. I hope you join me.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.


  1. Love this! Inspires me to keep up with my blog better. You are amazing and I can't wait to follow your journey and support you the way you have supported me and many others. Go TEAM!

  2. Way to go Jennifer. And thank you.

  3. This is wonderful! I don't know what to say! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!! You're an example of why we HAVE found cures to other things in the past. I admire how you are standing for what you believe no matter what society may think of you (for not having a "glamorous" job). You are amazing!! And again, thank you :)

