Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another Year has Come and Gone

Here we are, once again another year in the history books. I suppose this year was like any other year filled with highs and lows, successes and failures, memories and things we would rather forget. I set out at the beginning of this year to examine cancer, to help motivate and get more involved in the fight. To create a world without cancer.  Unfortunately, cancer still affects millions. However, that’s not to say this year is without its successes. New and exciting therapies have been developed, talented researchers are getting closer and closer, loved ones have successfully completed their treatments, and patients have more resources then they ever have before. The journey to end this awful disease is definitely not a sprint but a slow and sometimes agonizing marathon.  I am redefining success for 2011, if I was able to inspire just one person to do something in the fight against cancer then I consider that a victory. If I have motivated you to raise money, volunteer your time, bring a meal to a newly diagnosed patient, be a donor, or simply care, then I have succeeded. It will take baby steps to get there. My challenge for you in 2012 is to help others become as passionate as you are. Together we can beat cancer. Happy New Year! The eternal optimist in me says maybe 2012 will be the year…  

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