Monday, August 8, 2011

Planes, Trains, Auto Mobiles, Taxis, and the Metro...

Well hello there! It has been a while, too long!! I want to share with you a few lasting memories from my recent travels.

First, I had the amazing privilege of watching a small group of people achieve amazing things. Through their own determination and resolve they raised over $4000 each to participate in the Marathon de Paris in April. After a flight cancelation and a walk through some sort of a money laundering bust we were safely on Parisian soil. It was an amazing time and I enjoyed getting to know everyone’s “why”. Why they traveled half way around the world to run on the bumpy cobblestone streets without many of the comforts of a domestic race at home. It was another reminder of just what dedication looked like. There were many laughs, a few glasses of wine, and maybe a little too much Crème Brule. After careful consideration we decided to take one of our long time coaches with us, Coach Hank. Coach Hank was on a mission of his own; this trip had multiple layers for him. His father was a WWII pilot that was shot down in France. After a tiring pursuit by German soldiers and a series of tense moments, he was taken in by a French family who saved his life. Coach Hank always says, “My father survived WWII and living in hostile territory but he couldn’t beat cancer.” That was Hank’s “why”. He was here in Paris to support his runners who were running to save future lives but also to reunite with the family who had helped his father so long ago. The reunion was emotional and joyous. I felt so grateful that I was able to share a small part in this epic story of kindness, heroism, and humanity.

Race morning and working hard!

Katrina and I at the EiffelTower

Coach Hank in the front row, center

After Paris, I said good bye to my new found friends and boarded a plane to the Czech Republic. It was an amazing time with absolutely the most gracious of hosts. Excitedly I was shown around all of the nooks and crannies of Prague and absorbed myself in the rich history of this unfamiliar world that surrounded me. It was a trip I will never forget!

Two weeks later I was off again! Packing my suitcase yet again to help support amazing people who  raised vital funds to fund our mission and a cure. I hurriedly packed my bag and headed off to the airport. Destination-Vancouver, my first trip to visit our friends of the north, Canada. Vancouver was absolutely beautiful! Again, I was amazed with the courage and determination of our athletes. They all brought their own “why’s” packed carefully away in the back of their minds. I was both inspired and saddened that so many people have a personal connection. The race was awesome and the people of Canada where so nice. During the trip we were staying at the same hotel as the Nashville Predators. Wow! We got an authentic taste of playoff time in a country crazy about hockey.
As soon as I got home, I was off again for my next adventure. My baby sister, Michelle, was graduating from Pharmacy School. After 6 long years, she was to become a Dr.! It was an emotional and joyous weekend. Our family rented a house on Cape Cod and we got to spend time all together. My uncle and cousin drove down to spend this special weekend with us. After celebrating Friday the 13th in a cemetery hundreds of years old, an impromptu dance party, Brett getting to meet my whole family (even my father), and an evening dip in 50 degree ocean water by a certain crazy person (who will remain anonymous), it was time to say good bye. Our quick but amazingly fun trip will go down as one of our best family vacations. I still can’t believe my little sis is Dr. Little Sis!
A Barnstable Stroll
Friday the 13th
Graduation Day!!!
After our East Coast jaunt I headed to Tahoe to support our amazing cycle team. It was another first for me. I was so happy to meet everyone. Tahoe is breath taking and a must for everyone in my opinion.

As soon as I got back Brett and I settled into our new home and our time was spent unpacking and getting organized. Our happiness was cut short with the awful news that Brett’s aunt had passed away and cancer was to blame. Brett quickly boarded a plane to New York and spent time with his family and reminisced about all of the greatness that was his aunt.
We are all settled in now and adjusting to our new life nicely. This weekend we are off again to participate in a midnight half marathon in Rachel, Nevada otherwise known as area 51. If we don’t get abducted, we are excitedly planning our trip to Honolulu for our very first marathon in honor of his little sister, Dominie and his aunt. A few of our many “why’s”.
Whew! It’s been an amazing and busy few months. I am grateful for all of you who have come along on these journeys. Through all of this, it has become increasingly clear that all we have is each other. As well as just how important connections to each other are. All of these experiences were so much richer because of the people and the connections that were a part of them. We have been brought together to help fight an awful disease but the ancillary affects are almost as powerful, friendship, memories, and community. Together we will find a cure and enrich our own lives along the way.

1 comment:

  1. This whirlwind of "why's" is very touching Jennifer. I admire your selflessness and envy your travel. :) You GO Girl!
