Thursday, March 31, 2011

Go Heather Go!!!

Re-energized, re-inspired, and ready to go!!! Whew! After a week or so of feeling badly I am happy to report that I have re-focused on the things that are important and am ready to be a part of the solution again!

Life is so amazing and unpredictable. It really is crazy how quickly life changes. One simple phone call, a new perspective, even a new person walking into your life and life as we know it is never the same. It is part of the excitement of living and also the part that is terrifying. I think it depends on how open you are to see and experience these things when they show up. Sometimes we are so focused on other things we miss opportunities or they come up in inconvenient times and we let them pass us by. I feel like my life has changed at least 25 times this week. Ok, a bit of an exaggeration but it sure feels that way. I'm not necessarily talking huge monumental changes but as sit quietly and watch my life I realize how affected I am by the amazing people and experiences I am lucky enough to have around me. Thank you for continuing to challenge me, teach me, inspire me, and most of all illustrate to me that life is exactly what you make it.

On that note, I promised an update on my dear friend Heather. I am so happy to report that she not only finished her first triathlon but absolutely demolished it! She is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer and had a chemo treatment on Friday and competed on Sunday. Amazing!!! She is a perfect example of making life her own; despite the curve balls she has been thrown. She is such a positive, strong, and determined person. I admire her tremendously. It was also great to have a reunion of sorts with everyone from her original Rock N Roll San Diego Marathon team. We got to catch up as we cheered Heather in and out of the pool and through transition. I am lucky to have met such unique and special women. They also inspire me. Each one has said enough is enough; I am going to do something. I can no longer sit on the sidelines and watch anyone else suffer. They drive me to be a better person, to do more, to care more, and to keep my heart open even when it feels like I want to shut it off to the world.

Not to get overly cheesy but I think Forrest Gump was right. You never know what you are going to get in life. But maybe that is not the important part. Maybe the important part is what you decide to do with what you have. Let's decide to have a world without cancer.

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